xoticlady Member


  • That's an awesome schedule. You're hitting the major muscle groups twice, particularly legs and abs. (You need to add back though.) My boyfriend is a personal trainer (nice to have one at home WINK) but when we are at the gym I'm usually working out on my own and I definitely keep to a routine. He'll comment about things…
  • Awesome story and pics. You look great!!
  • Thanks for posting this Mike! I did a search for exercise calories and am glad I found your posting first. I haven't had a great deal to lose and am exercising rigorously, but I found the concept of eating that back on just proposertous! Why would someone want to eat back on what they spent all that time working on?!?! But…
  • Holla!! :wink: I'm 44 and it has been a far tougher journey than the prior two decades!!! My boyfriend is a personal trainer so I work out regularly with him. Here are a few tips - 1) Be sure to combine cardio with weight training OFTEN. 5 minute warm-ups are fine but 20-60 is better. 2) The cardio will help you drop…
  • I have done weight watchers before - both in-person meetings the first time and then online. In fact I was doing the online version when I joined this site and compared the two side-by-side for a week before moving here. I found that this site has a LOT more food entries than WW does, mostly because they elicit member…