

  • nestle real ice cream. natural ingredients that won't totally throw you off
  • apple slices and cinnamon sticks all the way
  • water with apple slices and cinnamon sticks. yum.
  • couldn't agree more. the majority of food companies are about profit - not nutrition. this is not a conspiracy theory, it's simple fact that money is the top goal when a company is in SALES. it seems a little surprising that people are quick to say that this is playing the blame-game. it's not. It's a matter of being…
  • i have this issue too. the solution for me was all in the shoelaces. google some different lacing techniques and try a few out. i was surprised to learn that there are dozens of lacing techniques beyond the traditional criss-cross - and each have a specific purpose. good luck!
  • Fat keeps you full. I've just lost 15lbs by adding real fats back into my diet and not getting sucked into the "low-fat, low-cal" manufactured diet foods. We're marketed that fat is the enemy, but that is not always the case. If it's a natural, good fat, don't be scared of it. When fats are removed from natural products,…
  • hehe guess I should have clarified as to why I advise to eat real food and not synthetic stuff. It's not for caloric purposes - it's hormonal. When we humans eat food that is synthetic, it throws our hormones into chaos. The main reason I was mine in balance, is that when our hormones (estrogen, HGH, glucogen, DHEA,…
  • I did 3 weeks of NO grains, alcohol, or sweets. NONE. Then in week 4, I added one serving of whole grains daily. Other than that, I've basically made sure that everying is real - cannot stress that enough. If you are having chocolate, don't have processed milk chocolate - make sure it's at least 70% cocoa chocolate. If…
  • whenever I hit each 5 lb mark, i bought myself a big bouquet of flowers. little treats along the way helped me stay on goal, instead of one big gift at the end.
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