nsondy Member


  • Cheese, brocolli, sour cream, salt & pepper Another alternative if to fix that potato craving is to cube them and toss them in EVOO with some salt and pepper, roast until crispy and delicious. :) mmm, now i want roasted potatos
  • I add pureed roasted squash to macaroni and cheese sauce before baking it with ww noodles. Use very flavourfal cheese, like extra sharp cheddar and parmasean, you only need maybe a cup total and my husband and daughter love it.
  • Spinach Carrots Onions Garlic Squash Sweet Potatos Oranges Bananas Apples Assorted frozen veg & berries Brown Rice Quinoa Oats WW Flour Canned: Chicken Stock Tomatos Beans (or dry) Plain yogurt Milk Whole Chicken Eggs Raw Honey Agave Nectar Peanut Butter Almond Butter EVOO
  • It really depends on your state. Nutritionists do not have the same requirements as dietitians, who must be certified, so if you can, I would suggest seeing a dietician.
  • I am going to be trying for another baby soon and so I eat high in folic acid, leafy greens, some fruits, peas, beans, nuts & seeds, whole grains. So really, if you eat a well rounded diet you are probably going to get plenty of folic acid, but if you don't eat a lot of those things, maybe try incorporating them into your…
  • Small water bottles sometimes help me. I go through phases of just not wanting to drink water, during those times I use my smallest water bottles so I feel like I am accomplishing something when I finish it, rather than using my liter bottles and feeling ovewhelmed by how much water I have to drink.
  • I make a raw oatmeal cookie for snacking. Roll them into little balls and stick them in the freezer using the following ingredients. Oats, Nuts, Raisins, Dark Chocolate, Agave Nectar. I use mostly oats, nuts and raisins with a couple pieces of good chocolate and just a tiny queeze of agave to get it to stick together. The…
  • If he's nursing contstantly he might just be trying to increase your supply. Most little babies know instintually when they need more milk, so they do that to get your body to create more for their spurts. And I agree with the other ladies and caloric needs. :) At 5'4 and slightly overweight I took in between 2000-2200…
  • Balsamic or Mustard, depending on the situation. I even toast my grilled cheese with mustard instead of butter or mayo.
  • My husband never used to eat in the morning because he didn't have time, or whatever. :) So I started making big batches of breakfast burritos, whatever fillings you like, whatever tortillas you like, roll them up, wrap in saran wrap, freeze and stick in a big freezer zip lock bag. It's so quick to microwave in the morning…
  • Small meals works for me. I have a small child who eats snacks throughout the day, so it works for her, too. We wake up, have breakfast 1, something small like yogurt or fruit and a piece of toast. Breakfast 2 is more substatial, usually eggs, quinoa, spinach and cheese scramble, or something similar. Lunch is typically…
  • I agree with the yogurt and smoothie additions. It adds a nice texture that I enjoy. Also, I add it to my bread recipes, it's yummy :)
  • I always mix mine when it's at room temperature, then put it in the refridgerator. I've never managed to not spill some of the oil, but I usually use a butter knife or fork and that works best. It usually won't separate again after that. Also, you can buy some naturals that won't separate if you don't want to deal with it.…
  • You should check out thenourishinghome.com. I really like her, she cooks real food, from scratch, but it's not all complicated. She gives you her entire meal plans for two weeks at a time, and also she gives you her meal plan layout if you just want to make your own. She uses some ingredients that aren't as wallet…
  • Ah.. yeah... doctor assisted bulemia. :sick:
  • I have one crazy toddler daughter and looking for support :)