laurennxmariee Member


  • i'm able to do 45 minutes of cardio at once, whether it be on the elliptical doing the "fat burn" or "weight loss" program (which i even up the resistance and angle) or doing HIIT style running on the treadmill when before even 20 was a huuuuge struggle for me. i did 2x12 sets on the leg press machine at 170 lbs... then…
  • me me me! i'm so beyond in! although i haven't had nearly as many bad days and i used to have, i still do have my binge filled days and i want to squash that all together. it's something i've dealt with for most of my life and it's time to stop letting it control me. let's do this!!
  • i'm also doing a 2-3 week alcohol detox! i used to be the same way you are with wine (i never missed a single Wine Down Wednesday (half off all bottles of wine at my favorite cool asian bar/restaurant) since i turned 21, plus saturday nights were my drinking nights as well. In between, i would also have wine with dinner or…
  • hey everyone! i'm turning 22 in feb and would love some motivation to lose my last 24 lbs (especially since my birthday is coming up and my boyfriend's is the week before!) :]
  • in no particular order: 1. my literally every single day breakfast - 1 egg, 2 servings egg whites, 50g spinach, ~20g onion, and 1/4 tsp jane's crazy mixed up salt in an omelet with 1 tbsp ketchup 2. ezekiel bread - cinnamon raisin with a little butter is my guilt free treat when i need something sweet and i use sesame for…
  • i have it and it's my absolute favorite thing in the world (other than my food scale) when it comes to losing weight. i have had nothing but positive experiences with it in the year i've had it. i like how it also gives you your body fat percentage and BMI, not just your weight so you can focus on the body fat percent…
  • sexy but taken ;]
  • 21 years old. feel free to add me :]
  • walked what i thought was going to be 3.2 miles, but instead turned out to be 5.08 miles this morning. maybe hitting the gym later on tonight for some actual cardio (lol) and some weights :]
  • batman arkham city enough said.