Carolk145 Member


  • What? We you reading my exercise journal or something ??? hahahaha I live my life on lazy man exercises!! Not intentionally though. I have a desk job, hence on average was 6 hours of not getting up! So about a year ago I decided to try and lose weight. Since then I fell off the track but I never got rid of my lazy office…
  • You know I've known how to make alternative pizzas before...and still have never done it! What the heck am I waiting for!!!! I should keep those ingredients at work to make an easy lunch!!! Mine would be LOADED with peppers!!! Man I love my green and red peppers!!!
  • Count me in! 5' 3"...okay so more like 2-3/4" but who notices right? SW-184 CW-182 GW-Anything under 140 at this point is fine by me!! I'm 36 with 13 yr old twins....I really can't use that excuse anymore that I was pregnant with twins! :) My first goal is to weigh less than my son who is currently 5'6"/ 155# and growing!…
  • Ok. here's my normal day, I'm sure someone here can relate! Wake 5:30am (shower right away dressed by 6am) Wake up 13 yr old twins by 6am Leave house 6:30; arrive at work by 7:30 M-F Leave work 4:30p Home by around 5pm unless a stop at the store is needed. Clean up house a little, get dinner started, around 6:30. Eat by no…
  • Count me in too!! Kind of new here. I've tried to keep on track with mfp before but just let life take over. I always thought I didn't eat bad but I kind of do. I love veggies and don't wolf down carbs like I thought but it's the lack of exercise that is my demon!!! I feel like reaching out to people here (before I always…
  • Add me!! I'm not new, just a returner I guess you can say. I've tried to keep track but always fade away. I have little for support groups so this would be so good! 36 and 43# to go!!!
  • Your headline sounds like what was in my head yesterday when I re-signed up for MFP! :) Same here, need the motivation to lose anything...A POUND WOULD BE GOOD RIGHT NOW! :) I don't get too depressed just fed up with myself for not sticking to it long enough to see results. I"m a 'Need instant gratification' person…
  • Unlike some I can't just put up a pair of pants or bikini for motivation, it just sets me back. A picture...can't find one of me (full length) that I've ever liked! But I do have something I'm trying now. My Dad passed away a couple of years ago from his 5th and final heart attack. I immediately went to the doctor to see…
  • Morning! Twins huh!! I had twins but can no longer use that excuse for my weight...they just turned 13 on Friday! haha Let's see I gained about 65# when I had them!! I went from an athletic 124# to a OMG can you possibly stretch my skin any further 189# the day of surgery! I lost most of it within 6 months but it wasn't…