

  • And one more thing, if you look at page 125 of Rippetoe's Starting Strength, your lurching with rounded upper spine very closely resembles the diagram. Because your legs have already straightened, your spinal erectors have to completely take the load, extending the (very high) weight hanging from your arms: a recipe for…
  • I'm a little worried for you, man. Your entire spine was in a state of flexion (though you started off very well on your approach). Unless you've got some serious kyphosis that creates the illusion of lumbar flexion as well, you should definitely spend some time working on your form. I know it can be hard to go down when…
  • I really do believe that you first need to address your caloric consumption - as in, you need to ensure that your caloric intake is adequate for how much you weigh and your current lean body mass (i.e. how much of you is not body fat). 1200-1300 calories is far too low in my opinion (for reference, my wife is also trying…
  • I plan to start Wendler's program too after I've finished cutting to 10% BF (I plan to run a slight - ~250 kCal - surplus while doing his program for approximately 3-4 months. Then cut again while maintaining. I currently train 6 days a week on a 3 day split (pushing one day, pulling the next, legs + abs on the third).