She's sultry and seductive, if she were a 300lb bodybuilder and I were a Kia Sorento she could drag me anywhere with those lips
She likes blue eyeshadow.
I don't think this is as black and white as you say. You found him on a dating site, you can't view 99% of dating site members without having a membership yourself. Furthermore was his membership Standard, or Silver or Gold, because a standard account cant talk to anyone on the site anyway. Also, dating websites retain a…
Well my beef against cola is its my achilles heal, any emotional upset, bad day, anxiety just makes me lose all self control. It's simply not an option since its probably responsible for most of my weight gain in my life (440,000 calories a year). I don't particularly like chocolate and havnt eaten it in 10 years, thats…
Well I'm giving force feed a shot and I can make it to about half my required calorie intake before I feel so full I could throw up. Pulled pork sandwich with some pickles seemed to revive my appetite. But in general I'm still not hungry. It's looking like I'm gonna lose 30 lbs in the next 30 days, seems unhealthy. I wanna…