PixieNana2013 Member


  • First of all well done for loosing so much weight. Apparently you need to eat 3,500 calories extra to put on one pound (or eat 3,500 less a week to loose one pound), so by eating just a few calories more is not going to make much difference. Your weight can vary by up to two pounds, so its best to weigh once a week at the…
  • It can take a while for your body to adapt to having less food. You do appear to be using a lot of calories for breakfast. I find a bowl of porridge oats, made with milk and water with a little honey keeps me full until lunch. As someone else suggested, try having fewer calories at each meal and eat 5 or 6 times a day to…
  • Calorie counting is the best way to loose weight. It would be interesting to know how many people are using this site - thousands, I should think, so it speaks for itself. You don't need to pay someone to tell you how to loose weight, the majority of us know that eating less and moving more is the answer. I should think…
  • Hi, there are a lot worse things that could happen to you than being overweight, although I do understand at your age being a little overweight is a huge thing. According to how tall you are, I don't think 143 is very overweight, in fact that's what I'm aiming for (5' 4"). Take if from someone who has tried every diet…
  • my diary is open. It's recommended that we should eat 70 to 100 grams (2.5 - 3.5 ounces) of red meat as it contains L-carnosine to repair tissues and clear away toxins. Its being scientifically tested - just type L-carnosine into google. I think that Chicken and Fish also contain it.