rogerfryer Member


  • Hi I don't know if this will help. I was an unfit 60 yr old., but all through the years upto my 50 I had trained. So my body had muscle memory. I take 200mg a day. Use slimming whey when I train. Watch what i eat. 1500 cals excl execise. Use HIIT tp keep my weight down, lost 42lbs in 3years, do 2 to 3 sessions per week…
  • Hi, My story is similar. It has take some time and i'm still work in progress. Water retention does play a part and it is a constant battle to monitor food. I'm on 1500 cals. Exercise 3/4 times a week with HIIT training. I rarely use very heavy weights. Try to keep to a weight so I complete the exercise with say 3 sets/15…