ClaireBoe Member


  • Thank you for replying. I wish losing weight were as easy as gaining it!
  • Exactly. BUT! You know yourself, and if it's too hard to have just a small slice right now, then better to toss it out! I am very proud of you!
  • You look great! Don't get discouraged! I think your picture from this week looks better than last, so your work outs are doing the trick. You probably gained that .5 in muscle. Keep up the good work, and don't stress about a tiny gain like that. Really! :D
  • Today it has been 90 days since I started MFP. The program gave me 1200 cal a day, which was fine until last week. All of a sudden, I was hungry all.the.time. Past experience has taught me that constant hunger will make me eat everything in sight, so I adjusted my calories to 1492. I don't usually get that high, but I feel…
  • I am entering that lovely time of pre-menopause, and my periods have gotten horribly heavy with bad cramps. Started MFP six weeks ago today, and this is my second cycle since joining. My first cycle was exactly the same. I did not find exercising comfortable AT ALL. I ended up doing a shorter work out, but felt like crap.…
  • You look amazing and give me inspiration, since I am in my 40s and until your post was only expecting to get fit...but I'm thinking now, AWESOME is possible! :-) Congratulations on a job well done!
  • Beautifully written, and CONGRATULATIONS ON KICKING A**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • I just joined MFP about a month ago, and just checked the boards for the first time in the past two weeks. I am really saddened by the negative, know-it-all comments. As with all internet interactions, I take attitude of "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I wish everyone did. I pledge to be only…
  • Just like with all the parents here, I want to be here for my kids and their kids (and maybe even THEIR kids!) I want to be able to go hiking, and stay active into old age, like my mom. She will be 80 in a week or so, has never been overweight and goes to the gym, still. I am so thankful that she has taken care of herself,…
  • Thanks, all. I am definitely not obsessed with the scale. I only weigh once a week, normally, but was curious to see what effect the flu had on me. When I weighed in this morning, I had lost four of those five pounds, so my loss for four weeks was 10.2 lbs. I don't expect the losses to continue at that pace, and that's…