

  • OK so give me some tips on how to fit exercise in...I am doing really well at planning out my meals but it seems like I never have time to do exercise. It is not my favorite thing I will admit that, I don't want to spend the cash on a gym membership (been there done that). So I have 5 kids at home: 5 yo boy 12,13,14 and 16…
  • I am a SAHM of 6 but now one is off to the Navy so only 5 at home now (sniff). My son is 5, daughters 12,13,14 and 16 (can you say drama?lol) and my oldest son is 18 and in the Navy and in Florida. I am a SAHM but also do direct sales from home on the side to keep me sane. My start weight was 221.6 and am now down to 213…
  • Have you taken your measurements? I find that sometimes when the scale is not the way I want it that taking my measurements help. I totally understand where you are though...I hate that!!! It can be so discouraging but keep your head up! You can do this!! Hugs Amy