

  • I defiantly feel ya there! I have unlimited refills on my rescue inhaler because I seem to go through it crazy like because I refuse to let this run my life. but in some aspects asthma does run your life :( All you can do is push but there was a 3 year period where i didnt push at all and now i am fat! Keep pushing or you…
  • I have the exact same problem as you with your asthma. What I can do is stretching about 30 minutes and about 3-5 sit ups. My asthma is so bad that if i am cooking a full meal for 3 people i have an attack. all i try to do is everything slowly the attacks are coming less frequently when cooking. there is a dvd out there…
  • I am struggling with the same thing after lunch time I only have about 100 left. I just dont get it.... I also shop on a REALLY low budget which means I only get whatever is on sale or at dollar tree (CA) If anyone has tips I really hope you can help both of us out.