Yep I eat lots of tuna, thats my main source of protein probably. And I try to drink the whey protein shakes but most taste so awful they're hard to get down without gagging! Thank you for all the advice. A visit to the health food store is in order!
Oh ha ha :happy:
Indeed he did. I was just too lazy to repeat myself when my post was one or two before his. If he didn't read it then, he probably wouldn't read it now, so I gave up :indifferent:
So you understand she was being sarcastic/ironic?
*whispers*> she was being sarcastic/ironic (whatever the right word is)....
- Apparently these ones are good?
I've seen them sold at some pharmacys, and seem to remember watching a program where three different types of pelvic floor exercises were done... The vagina weights (or whatever you call them) had the best results. If I were you I'd give them a try. It's not going to hurt you.
I'm a first year uni student and I have trouble finding balance during exam/big assignment times also. The thing is, I concentrate so hard I forget to eat, but I'm also usually doing NO physical activity at all since I'm glued to my desk/seat so I don't know whether it evens out? I just generally feel overall unhealthy…
New Years Eve 2012, so 4.5 months?
Love this :smile: I've always said a negative Nancy, but negative Nellie is far better! *end off topic comment*
I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if this has been said, but why not just lift heavy anyway? Is he there monitoring your workouts?
Yeah that was the book!
I think the reason it worried me is because lately "sugar" is the devil according to a lot of experts, without anyone really going into what type of sugar is bad. When I told my gp I wanted to lose weight she directed me to a book (can't think of the name atm) where the author insisted you had to eat under 13 grams of…
This is all good to hear. I was freaking myself out because I couldn't see how I could possibly stay under my sugar goal. Even just my vegetables push me over sometimes.
Oh that's what I was hoping to hear :smile:
You look amazing, and so much younger and happier! What an inspiration :-)
Some gyms have a machine called a thigh adductor. You sit in a chair with your legs spread and push them in til they're together... That was a terrible description of the machine, lol!
I will eat many! I love Easter eggs.... But hopefully soon they'll be out of the shops and temptation will be gone!!
About 75, but Im on a medication that supposedly raises heart rate. I haven't checked my hr directly upon waking which is probably when the medication would be lowest in my system. My rhr used to be around 100, so it's dropped considerably with exercise :)
For bicep curls I aim for 3 sets of 10 reps of 15kg (33 pounds I think). But usually I do 10 reps then 8 then 6ish. That is with the bar, not dumbells.
Oh my god, this cracked me up!!! I burst out laughing and startled my cockatiel, who was sitting on my shoulder!!! Still causing me to giggle....
I had a breast reduction in 06. I was a DD/E before, the op. afterwards I have remained a C, even after packing on close to 30kg! The reduction is one of he best things I've ever done :)
Oooooohhhhh, lol, whoo hooo!
I cannot even imagine my thighs not touching :/ They always have and I bet always will. To be honest I didn't realise there was something "wrong" with touching thighs...
I don't know about the weight side of it, but I just to say how those brain zaps are the WORST feeling ever. I never used cymbalta, but coming off lexapro was a test of patience. I couldn't handle the zaps so it took me months to reduce my dose down to a point where I could stop. So yeah, off topic. Oops *blush*
Love it!! I wish I had my own cheerleader on the treadmill next to me :)
I must be pretty oblivious... I don't really notice anyone being obnoxious at my gym. I think I'm in my own world though with my earphones in and my iPod blasting!!