bamagrits15 Member


  • +1 I have this on a shirt. Some people make it so hard to show them to love of Jesus...
  • Jeremiah 29:11 Matthew 25:14 for some of those commenting here... So glad to have peace in knowing if I am wrong I have lost nothing, but if non believers are wrong they have lost it all.
  • I usually just whisper my complaints to my kids and then let them scream out their thoughts. Usually works well.
  • Oh please be satire. So hard to tell with the widespread ignorance in today's society.
  • It can be at times, but it isn't always. I've been a single mom for 3 years. My ex is around so I do get some help, though not much. The things is, you are going to have hundreds of emotions as you go through this and it takes time to process them all. I have one piece of advice. Make sure you identify your emotions as…
  • Honey this is called being a teenager. I have one. He is lazy some times so I stay on him. I don't know if you are depressed of anything like that but do two things for me. 1.) Get off the computer and talk to an adult who you know and that cares about you. 2.) Learn that if you want anything good in life you need to get…
  • Male coworker sees this subject line. States "I have a big booty supplement for you!" Thank you for the laughter. Much needed.
  • I buy the Green Giant frozen veggie packs with sauce and mix in whole grain pasta. That is great but a little high on the sodium.
  • Sleep apnea sucks plain and simple. I have moderate OSA. I need a CPAP but since I changed jobs my insurance won't cover it for a year. :( I don't know if CPAP will even work for me. Most medical supplies places will give you a free trail if you have you Rx. You can look for a dentist that does the oral mouth pieces. I…
  • I love the whole grain bagel thins with 2% cheese and sliced turkey. Or low fat cream cheese. Yogurt with chia seeds and fruit, oatmeal with blueberries and truvia, breakfast burritos with egg whites, whole grain tortilla, 2% cheese and turkey sausage or chopped ham.
  • We eat a lot of 2% string cheese in my home, but I love a full fat, full flavor smoked cheddar sometimes.
  • Yes. But anyone with blood conditions or kidney problems shouldn't do it. It is a key tactic by wrestlers and MMA fighters to cut weight. I have done a lot of research on it because my son uses it for football. I even talked to a few doctors and a pharmacist I know about it to make sure it is safe. The magnesium helps to…
  • This is going to depend on the product. Reduced fat cheese is much better for you for example. I have bought reduced fat PB and it was just a waste. But the whipped has less fat and calories and is just missed differently. Do your research if there are specific low or reduced fat products you like. My goal is to start…
  • Are you looking for a temporary fix to water weight? If so do an Epsom salt bath for 20-40 minutes right before bed.
  • I have been looking for a good resource too. I wish these have a calorie count. and have some recipes too.