

  • I've noticed they give high and low impact options ( ie. marching instead of high knees, etc...). Also they encourage you to pause b/w rounds if you need more time. Some days are easier than others but overall it honestly feels great, it's simple to follow and can do at home. You really don't need much equipment. I would…
  • It actually has nothing to do with an actual blender! It's an 8 week workout plan that "blends" different types of workouts. You can find more info here:
  • Awesome! Just finished up day #4 with a zumba class in between. I'm really enjoying this workout feels so attainable and manageable. I made a week by week log that sits on my fridge so I know how long tomorrows workout is (so I can plan) and check off workouts as I do them. 2 days til week two! Feels good and I…