

  • I was told to shock my system either with extreme workout or almost a crash diet for a few days. It never worked for me. I also went the flip side and ate everything in site and no workout. I just flatlined for a year and a half. it wasn't unitl a few weeks ago with my sudden gain and then my Re-interest in loosing the…
  • I love looking at a menu (I eat out A LOT) and when I see a "Salad' that has almost 1000 calories BOOM!!! the light goes on and I realize i can have a grilled chicken with rice and veggies that is half the calories of the "salad". DANCE! it''s great exercise and works a ton of muscles. They sell dance workout videos, and…
  • Gotta bump this up. I peaked in 2012 stabilized until May 2013 when I gained 15lbs in 3 weeks. Back to MFP now and feeling great about it.
  • That's a great idea. My wife and i did almost the same thing. I wanted a motorcycle and after I lost 50lbs last time around, I got my bike. unfortunately I peaked at 50lbs and stayed at 230lbs for over a year and a half. Recently I gained almost 20lbs back and my interest in using MFP is renewed and since restarting 6/1/13…
  • Look this program is a great education. What you need to do is before ANYTHING crosses your lips...look it up. Once you realize the wasted calories in sooooo many food you would rather have something that give you a quantity with better health factors. at least that is what is working for me. Remember everyone is different…