

  • Almost 10 pounds a month is "little"??? Stop selling yourself short. You are doing great and look amazing. Just please, please please do not get discouraged when you hit a plateau. Because you will. A week or two or three will go by with little or no weight loss and that is when most folks give up. Just continue making…
  • Don't give up, stick with it. It is all about portion control and working in exercise when schedule permits. Don't give up just because you hit a plateau. Heck, we all hit them. BUT THEN I THINK HOW I WOULD GAIN IF I DID NOT CONTINUE TO MONITOR and that gives me faith to stay with the program. I am down to losing my last 5…
  • As a vet, the first thing of course I would say is call YOUR vet! the next thing I would say is google "Purina Dog Body Condition Scores" and look over that. If your dog is a 5 or 6 on the chart then GREAT! He will live a lot longer thanks to your healthy lifestyle! If he scores a 4 or less, then look into supplementing…