ksmyth555 Member


  • I've had bad shin splints for years. They would hurt if I walked fast. I went to a chiropractor that told me to get new shoes, from a specialty store, and really good inserts to help stabilize the heel and arch. The chiropractor would work on my shin muscle to help release. It did seem to help. I can now walk a lot and my…
  • I could use more friend support ! :)
  • I still want a diet soda a few times a week but I have gone way down on my diet soda intake. I found water was just a little too bland for me at first but now it tastes amazing. I started with carbonated water with lemon and a water recipe called sassy water (google it) very refreshing and it gives a taste to your water…
  • That was an amazing story! Thanks so much for sharing. You look great!
  • I'm not doing this either but I've read that the 2 days are not supposed to be consecutive. 500 calorie days in a row is going to make you not be able to move very much. You need to split them up if you are going to do this.
  • You should look at pictures of people that lose these different ways. I think people that have surgery don't have the healthy glow that someone doing the exercise route do. I believe you will be happy you did it this way in the long run. I'm not saying that it's wrong to do the surgery, just think you will be happier with…
  • Me too! My husband and I have both had blood sugar problems for awhile but when we switched to eating eggs for breakfast we have had no problems.
  • I think this is the best advice! Be honest and log it! I have a hard time when it gets brought into the house in bigger than a 1 serving size amount so I try to not let that happen. I find it much easier for me to control if I just go out and by that one serving size I want. If there is more, I'll eat it. =) I'm trying to…
  • I came a little late to this challenge but i've been doing good so far this week! How about you?