il0v3dirt Member


  • Thank you so much for everyone's help!
  • Thank you everyone!! All the support helps out alot!
  • AHHH! You guys are awesome. Can't thank you enough!
  • My highest weight was 341. When I started 3mos ago I was 320.4 - so if you add it all together - I've actually lost a total of 52lbs. Which makes it even better!! Thank you again for all the requests!! It's motivating me SOOO much more. Can't wait to post more pictures soon!
  • Thank you everyone for the kind words!! They mean so much. I hadn't really looked at before and after pictures until today, and I'm just shocked...especially the face ones. I've had alot of my family/friends tell me they would never guess I weighed even 320 when I did..but I DID - not no more tho! :) Thank you everyone for…
  • I started at 320.4 on April 30th 2012 - and I just weighed in at 289.4. My heaviest was 341 in April of 2011. I have been keeping track of my calories and going to the gym/doing Zumba. I have lost 30lbs in 3 months as of today. I'm hoping to get down to at least 250 for my first goal, and then go from there. :)
  • I've always had stretch marks - and I'm not sure if you do or not...but I started tanning awhile ago and my stretch marks completey faded. As I lose more and more weight they only get lighter. I'm sure I'll have some stretchy skin - but I haven't noticed any yet that I didn't already have - and I've lost 30lbs already. I…
  • It's awesome to have you on here. I'm so addicted to "My Fitness Pal" it's not even funny. I started keeping track of my calories on April 30th - and I'm already down 12lbs. The best thing to do is use this EVERYDAY - don't let yourself forget to add in foods - and if you go over a little at first -- it's ok! I was…