

  • Hello, First I like to welcome you ! Second This is your journey but there are many people here who can help/support you during your journey. I didn't plan to lose weight or change my life style I was in denial for so long then I had an eye opener. Please add me as friend if you wish. Good luck on your journey
  • Hi, Welcome back you can add me as a friend if you like Karen
  • This person doesn't know her situation and she has been losing weight. He maybe had a weight issue in the past and thought he could help her but you never approach a complete stranger (woman) and make a comment like that ! I agree this was rude and he was out of lined to approach her.
  • Hello, I love this website, it has help me so much with keeping me on track with my portoin control. I am such a visual person I need to see things in writing for it to be true. It makes me be honest to myself with my eating habit. We all have one time or another said I don't eat that much I shouldn't weigh this much. Now…