What are your goals? What is your calorie limit? What are your dietary restrictions? What is your exercise program?
I do it on the treadmill after lifting, and I set the speed now between 9.7 and 10.3. You might need to just go faster. It's BRUTAL if you're doing it right. I warm up with an easy run (for me) around 6.5 for 5 minutes, Tabata1 ~9.7 (4 mins) then 2 minutes of walking, Tabata 2 @10.3 for 4 minutes, then finish it out with a…
If you're wearing cotton socks, switch to synthetic or athletic wool, and get a stick of body glide and apply it where you get blisters to prevent it from happening. In the meantime, get some moleskin and let those babies heal.
A lot of people are tired around here, but I'm not sure they're ready to lie down, stretch out and fall asleep.
Bad idea. Fat can't be lost that fast.
<PTI> OP-The answer is to tell him to engage his abs. <please continue with regularly scheduled programming>
That's a really rude comment. You don't know what this person has been through before setting up their profile here. You can question the message without attacking the person.
Do you have a physical therapist on board? I would feel extremely uncomfortable making recommendations to try any specific exercises without knowing the exact nature of your injury and if ab exercises are even the right course of action for you to take. Take care of your back- see a professional and have them help you…
Water weight from working out is one contributor, and a second likely possibility is that it's food/water in your digestive system. When you change to a new diet, it takes your digestive system a little lag time to catch up. It takes 75-80 hours to fully digest a meal, and if you've recently started eating more fiber…
Take 30-45 minutes of that time 2-3x a week for strength. Yes, you need it. You can swap out the cardio for that time, or add it on top of the cardio- but do the strength work first if you're doing them at one shot. It doesn't need to be intimidating. The 3kg dumbbells aren't really going to get you anywhere. Go online and…
Fixed that for you.
Great post! 10/10
MFP says 1230 because your activity level is wrong. If your job is active, then your activity level should reflect that. Having an active job is not the same as working out, you should not be adding those calories back every day. Your body 'expects' that level of activity and your metabolism reflects that, whether you go…
Setting a goal weight lower than you want to be with no consideration of body fat, and doing everything you can to achieve it, is not a good plan. It's setting you up for failure when you hit goal. A much better plan is to lose fat slowly, setting your diet according to your cody composition and body composition goals, and…
Try using it in place of rice in almost any recipe. Also, pilaf type recipes work really well with quinoa.
I'm confused- you have 1230 or 1800 cals to eat? First of all, if you have 600 calories of exercise and you're only eating 1230 calories a day, it's no wonder that you're starving. Even with 1800 calories, 1230 is really low. Being hungry and having cravings may be a sign (almost definitely is a sign) that you're not…
What is your current weight program like? It might be worthwhile seeing if your current program is as effective as it could be- a really good strength program is more effective than adding cardio will be for fat loss, especially if your job already keeps you active. Since you're short on time and energy, maximizing the…
Usually cheese that's bad is obvious, but I would absolutely get rid of the leftovers. You never know, plus I know if it was me, I would psych myself in to being sick again even if that wasn't the original cause. Get rid of it.
Use one of (or a compilation of) a few different online body fat calculators to determine what your current lean body mass is (LBM). Then, get an idea of what your ideal goal bodyfat percentage is- you can look up pictures online of different bodies at different bodyfat percentages. So, say you find out that your LBM is…
Yikes. I think it might be a good idea to be your own version of that person.
Start on your local HS track. They're generally a cushier surface and free of the potholes and sidewalk cracks than can be dangerous for outdoor running. The difference between a treadmill and outdoors will be noticeable- it's a little harder and the motion is slightly different because you have to propel yourself forward…
I remember when that happened. It's a HUGE NSV!
Cheese is delicious.