rockstrzfem Member


  • My friends and I are having our annual Anti Valentine's Day Karaoke celebration. Not having a date doesn't matter, we love every day!
  • I'm in Eastern Pennsylvania. Looks like we got about 4 inches of snow, so definitely not the worst of it...but I think PennDot needs to get their crap together with cleaning off the roads around here, they're terrible!
  • we are our own worst critics...I think it's easy to be body positive until we look in the mirror...part of being healthy is acceptance of who we are and what we look like before and after we take care of ourselves. I would bet you one week's pay that if you accepted yourself, your health would increase exponentially :)
  • you should take out that pent up aggression at the gym...just sayin' ....
  • HI Ashley...ugh doesn't it suck to try to lose weight when you have a medical issue that hinders it? It feels like you have to work 3 times as hard as anyone around you. I have a pretty severe case of hypothyroidism and my levels are constantly off no matter what my medication dose is! I do twice the amount of work as my…