

  • Thanks for replying! It's day 2 and in doing better. Currently inhaling this soup lol and yes it is very "tomato ish" I was able to get through the entire DVD this time only stopping a couple of times as I haven't worked out in over a year. No Pain No Gain
  • Ok so I received my DVD and today was my first day of phase 1 and I'm sooooo hungry. I'm ready to break!!!! I really need some words of encouragement. I don't like any of the food choices everything is bland and the soup is nauseating because I don't like tomato based soups. Please I really need some motivation and perhaps…
  • Hiiiiiiiii everyone *waves* lol. I ordered my DVD last week Tuesday so hopefully it will be here soon. Once it arrives I will be starting the workout and following the meal plan to the T! I'm super excited and cannot wait to see what type of results I get. I really don't want to lose a lot of weight just about 5lbs to…