sunshinelively Member


  • Thanks DouMc and adk - trying hard and at the end of the day really enjoy food of all different kinds and my discipline, like I say is in limited supply unless sorely motivated. Just not feeling the omg yuck I need to do something about my body, more like, well I'm a size 6 and as long as my top is on the looser side the…
  • Mns glad you're back in it and out of town guests have left you free! Looks like you picked up right where you left off, very encouraging. I have already backed off my PR with dead lifts - I had gotten 125lb at the end of stage 2, currently doing a max of 115 but yesterday found my back curled a bit so probably have to…
  • Thanks guys for all the replies. Pudding I'm right there w you on the core stuff! Although.....the top of the fat island on my stomach melted a little, leaving the bottom half looking like it's sticking out more. LOL Jamaican you are right ill be on point w my diet for 4-5 days then go off, destroying any gains, thereby…
  • I've been busy too and my iPad makes long posts a pain, doesn't show everybody else's posts so makes it hard to reply to everyone. Red congrats on those great results you've gotta feel GREAT! Maya glad you're feeling better, heard a bunch of people caught that summer bug. Thinking lately about what's next. Since my lower…
  • Thanks pUdding - you're going to slam the matrix again! :)) Hey - has anybody given any thought to what to do after stage 7?
  • been meaning to put my stage 3 notes and results. notes: this stage was tough since i somehow hurt my lower back and no matter what weight i tried it still was strained. the worst exercise was dumbbell single leg romanian deadlift, which should not be that hard but from what i'm hearing as you get older your lower back…
  • i smoked from the age of around 15 to age 30. quit at 30, no smoking in 20 years. best decision of my life. at the time i gained about 15lb from quitting, weight i never really ever ended up taking back off, because after that came 2 pregnancies and my 40's. i can't encourage folks enough - get that monkey off your back. i…
  • awesome so you get a 4 day weekend, even better. beepeejaye - you know what they say, there's two kinds of people in the world: those who ride....and those who wish they could. :smokin: supposed to be a gorgeous weekend in upstate new york - totally psyched!! enjoy, everyone!
  • Getting close to the end with stage 3 - did it last night. Can't seem to get beyond certain weights. Like I can do 10 reps of incline dumbbell press with 30# dumbbells, but 35# - can't move it. Couple victories: getting the hang over Romanian bent over dead lifts. 100 second planks. 30# one armed dumbbell snatch. Hamstring…
  • I've been realizing the same thing - my job is sedentary. I work on the 10th floor and take the stairs twice a day, routed my documents to print at a far away printer, but other than I'm on my butt too. Thinking about a fit bit or some such to motivate movement throughout the day. Did 3A last night - lower back is saying…
  • Yes I round is 6 reps to both sides of the body - I'm just finishing stage 3 - congrats on pushing this far!
  • Loconnor those are some badass numbers - you go! Congrats!
  • What pudding said! Red lipstick - that is a great realization, doesn't really matter what others think, it was important to you and it motivated you and you felt great on the beach! Besides mom noticed and she's usually the first one to say; "have you gained weight?" "that is a very big piece of cake" "looks like you need…
  • Another HIIT comment - I've been doing it the day after and tacking on some other stuff. Stage 3 starts to get so long! I add 2 warm up sets to the first two exercises, plus a 10 minute cardio warm up. Plus the core exercises i run around 20-25 reps, making those a bit longer. This brings the workout close to 90 minutes. I…
  • I consider myself an average person. 3x a week plus some cardio is plenty for ^me - and I need occasional weeks off. Didn't read the whole article but it seems like 6 day intensity is for serious athletes.
  • Congratulations!! You have got to feel fabulous - you look fabulous!! Here's to a great summer fir you :))
  • Bschoo- proteins good for ^me: shrimp, salmon, EAS vanilla protein powder, veggie breakfast sausage, tofu, Greek yogurt, tuna, chicken, power bars (good mid morning snack), peanut butter (watch the w this), raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, seitan, tofurky slices, small amounts of cheese. Just my person list - hope it helps!
  • Yes! Cowgirl you explain these things in a really helpful way!
  • i am currently a social worker who directs a behavioral health program. however, i was once an archeologist. :-)
  • Hey, congrats on starting! I found it a natural progression from 2 to 3 sets, although the workout does get longer. Have also found that I can lift more in subsequent sets, so like I'll start off lighter and I'll be able to increase weight on the last couple. Then next time I'll start off with the weight I finished with…
  • Welcome Kate Robin, Bliss That is a funny story Sam.....god love the man eh? Pudding I had the hungries and I just ate. Seemed like my body just needed food for healing. Excited since I may have finally figured out the right cals and food composition load.....will be able to tell for sure early next week! Nice to see you…
  • This is great! I'm curious on the stage 7 mental battle.....sounds intimidating - so glad you made it! Congrats on all your gains! Finishing stage 3 over the next week, finally got used to it. Some exercises there are really taxing ^me but others are like boom, I got this! Don't think I'll rest between stage 3 and 4 since…
  • not yet :smokin:
  • agree with pudding - the further you get into the program the harder it becomes to do additional workouts. in stage 1 i continued with some running an additional 2-3 days a week. for stage 2 i had a running injury halfway through so i pared down to one additional day of cardio HITT. now i'm in stage 3 and it's tough. i try…
  • Woweee, that's great! Made your goal! :)) Pix pls How was stage 7?
  • Nice numbers pudding you go! You're gonna have my eternal admiration for your BWM, too. Onward to 4 - will join you in 2 more weeks! :)
  • Stage 2 gets taxing for sure. Those Bulgarian lunges and lunge w forward press made ^me gasp and sweat! I did enjoy stage 2 though :)
  • My eating sucked this week. Made up my mind for a waffle bowl ice cream sundae last night with hot fudge. Self sabotage will get ^me nowhere. Doing well on protein macros, got all lifting in plus some walking. Injuries healing. Getting back on the horse today - happy Monday!
  • relate. i'm halfway thru stage 3 and am missing stage 2. :-)
  • I squeeze my should blades together creating a pad of muscle over my spine. The lower back pain culprit is motorcycle riding. after 4 hours on the bike yesterday left lower back says f you. I need to put risers on my handlebars or some other adjustment or I'm going to keep having this battle between riding and weight…