

  • For better absorption, I'd suggest a sub-lingual pill (liquid is also available but I don't like it) - that is its put under your tongue to be absorbed. It also gives you a nice boost energy pretty quickly. Swallowed B's just are not absorbed that well from what I've experienced. I take a B-complex every morning for the…
  • Pretty similar story, except I found it on the Android Market yesterday...
  • It's a pretty simple formula bmi = kg / (height in meters)^2 I've seen some differences when converted to imperial measurements - there's a factor... bmi = (lbs * factor) / (height in inches) ^2 The difference I think comes from some places use 702 and others 703 for the factor. I'd bet that's the difference between the 2.
    in BMI??? Comment by Rfporter January 2011