lpina2mi Member


  • Hey Group! what was one thing you tossed and one thing added? tossed all soda, including 'diet'//added beans; they are very filling
  • Without a gallbladder to help with fat digestion, you may want to consult a nutritionist or similar to design a lower fat diet for you--one that delineates between saturated fats and the rest of the fats, so that you get enough for optimal health but so much to overtax your disgestion.
  • Summer WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE 2019 (May, June, July and August) A Continuation This is a continuation of the Winter Weight loss challenge 2019. Please feel free to add your name to the list and join us over the summer to keep yourself accountable. Just copy the post and add your information to it. STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE…
  • I was a pescatarian who is transitioning to WFPB. Although I cannot vouch for the cheese (~4oz/wk) I eat, I do know the farmers of my eggs(~1/wk) and milk (~1/2c/wk). For animal rights and environmental footprint reasons I gave up leather goods and mammal flesh abt a year ago. Prior to that I was an omnivore in the Pollan…
  • I gave up soda in the 1980's. Are you fasting between last meal on a previous day and first meal on the next day or doing an extended fast? Somewhat different strategies, but what I think links both is an overall sound diet. Some eat more fat (which does satiate between meals). Some are keto (and this is not me). Some eat…
  • Hello. I have been eating cleaner since the 1970s--still a friend lent a book How not to Die, by Greger. And I am learning some vital things. Unlike many nutrition books, it is light on so-and-so's stories and ends with 140 pg of citations.
  • I have been doing IF for more than 18mos+. I have tried 2 and 1 daily meal. I have tried 8,6,and 4 hour eating windows. I have done a couple of 24h fasts and a longer 40h fast. I find that my happy place is IF 16:8. I was doing IF while doing Keto--the fat really does keep one satiated for hours and hours, but my kidneys…
  • My vegan and Animal Rights Advocate Daughter. I was a plant-dominant omnivore who ate local meats raised humanely--but I never considered that the butchering industry largely remains industrialized. I had been pescatarian for about a year--now this summer she has an internship studying the sentient and social capacity of…
  • I like having garbanzo bean salads in the fridge and ready as a quick side or great pairing with 1/2 avocado for lunch. Base recipe: 2 cans of garbanzo beans rinsed + juice & pulp of a lemon or lime or orange + minced carrots or golden beets + minced celery or parsley(lots) + red onion or pickled red onion + chopped green…
  • I have had a Vitamix for 3 years. It came with the large smoothie pitcher/blade. I also purchased the grain pitcher/blade for butters and hummus. RPM is the power marker not wattage.
  • I will be returning to a vegetarian (w little dairy & eggs) that I had while I was in college. My Daughter is advocating for me to go vegan. I told her I need two months to make my current changes stick, then by July I can do the rest of the Summer as a vegan and evaluate how it all has settled in September. I have been a…
  • I will be returning to a vegetarian (w little dairy & eggs) that I had while I was in college. My Daughter is advocating for me to go vegan. I told her I need two months to make my current changes stick, then by July I can do the rest of the Summer as a vegan and evaluate how it all has settled in September. I have been a…
    in Welcome! Comment by lpina2mi April 2019
  • I have been doing IF for almost a year. I am stepping back from 20:4-once daily meal to 18:6-twice daily meals, on account of accupuncturist/TCM practioner who said my gall bladder would benefit from eating earlier. AS OF MARCH 25: I am doing a recalibrating my macros because 15 mos of LCHF--> 12 pound weight gain. I am…
  • I have been doing IF for almost 10 months. I added to IF to LCHF whole foods diet w only moderate to light meat consumption. IF was really just a tweak for me, since I have not been a breakfast eater in decades. I had to move dinner up sooner, which means I do not eat with my husband on weekdays. He typically eats at 8p. I…
  • AS OF MARCH 25: I am doing a recalibration too. 15 mos of LCHF--> 12 pound weight gain. Still keeping starchy carbs (grains and food made w grains) low, but I am doubling down on vegetables. This rises my overall carb count, even if I substract fiber for net carbs. net-Carb target is 90-120g/day. Protein is the same…
  • My favorites are: rebounding w light free weights for my arms (downward motion--not jumping!); qigong, and some resistance & stretches (ballet bar, yoga, pilates alternating days).
  • Charge 2 stopped synching yesterday at 17h38m. I recharged fitbit from 1/2power remaining to 3/4 and waited an overnight, as I got one msg on my mobile app that a synch was scheduled. I have fitbit set to continuous synch and have tried forcing a synch. I have tried connecting app to my Charge2 through mobile app and…
  • autoimmune runs along the maternal lines, so inflammation I have had to learn to quell so it does not lead to chronic disease. It may be related, but weightloss for me tends to be slow, and see-saw like, and marked with plateaus...until I committed to LCHF. Weightloss is still slow, but it is steady. Suggestions from…
  • @EllieWray1111, Many LCHF do IF too. Meet us here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group
  • Aug wk1 & wk 2: sleep in bed by 10:30p & end of day practice water 88oz/daily & start of day practice mineral salt & multi vit-min/daily IF 20:4 wkdays; IF 18:6 wkends netcarbs 25-30g, fats 50% ttl g, fiber 15g min no chips (my current weakness) FitBit 12K steps, 18floors, 90 active min/daily HIIT 20 min/daily increase…
  • Aug6:* sleep :D * water :) * mineral salt & vit-min :D * macros...changing fat to 50% min (it was too far of a reach), otherwise all good * no chips o:) * Fitbit metrics & HIIT B) * free wts add 2lbs :# somedays it's just for part of my workout. I go back down in wt as soon as I feel strain, as I am not aiming for bulk and…
  • Glad to have your here and I congratulate you on your perserverance. It seems that medical intervention is not a cheat, but a tool you employ to take you better a place. The one tool you seem to be looking for is one that keeps you in maintenance. Since you are working with a doctor who seems to be invested in working with…
  • I did break through a threshold in July (lost 4.4 lbs) and took up the measuring tape, so for August I want to lose a cumulative 4" and 6 lbs.
  • Thank you for the insight. Although I do not do fat bombs or bullets, I might be overly concerned about keeping my fat macro grams to 50% of ttl. For example, I had a vegetable stir-fry (sans rice) yesterday, but "balanced" all those good veg carbs with 1 pc of korean porkbelly. ...so please elaborate at what you changed…
  • @Sabine_Stroehm shared this link in a post of Aug3: https://unlearn-rethink.com/2017/08/01/the-rabbit-hole-essential-reading-nutrition-edition/ It is excellent. Like many LCHF WOE folks, I have added IF (intermittent fasting). Eating enough fat, which is ~50% of ttl grams for me, has resulted in less hunger. I am just not…
  • Here is a vegan porridge recipe from my vegan daughter. Chia seed fiber g = carb g, so netcarbs = 0! Basic:1/2 c unsweetened coconut milk + 2Tb of chia seeds--> stir occassionally over ~10minutes. That's it. Variations = almond milk; adding cinnamon or nutmeg.
  • Since July2017: 20:4 weekdays & 18:6 weekends
  • APPLAUSE to your results, but especially your dedication!
  • @Sabine_Stroehm this blog post is a great find--thank you. I exercise for strength and stamina and flexibility and central core stability. I eat whole foods for nutrition and longetivity. I'm 58y without pharma scripts and generally successful at keeping chronic inflammation tendencies from flareups via…