r60775m Member


  • Vodka and diet tonic, with lots of lime.. Also, Baja Bob makes excellent no calorie mixers, e.g. sweet and sour, etc.. I order it from Amazon.
  • Congratulations on your new spin bike. To answer your question, it is best to mix things up, doing shorter, intense workouts, with longer workouts tossed into the mix. This keeps your body from becoming conditioned to doing just one thing. Weight loss is about burning more calories than you consume, and the long workouts…
  • You can't gain 4 pounds of fat in one day. It's water weight, I promise! Reduce your intake of carbs and that WILL go away.
  • Yes. It has been shown that when cavemen developed agriculture and farming, man's size got much smaller. Eating vegetables actually made humans smaller!!!! We have evolved to handle veggies though, and they shouldn't be removed from our diets. remove the starchy veggies,. i.e. potato's, pasta, and bread, and you'll be so…
  • Ignore those who tell you Atkins is not healthy. It IS healthy. Just remember, that like ALL diets, it boils down to calories in and calories out. Keep your caloric intake under control, stay active(JUST WALK!!!), and stick with the plan. Don't stay in the Atkins induction period forever. Add carbs to see what you can…