A Mans Voice.... just love listening to a man with a deep slightly raspy voice talk. :open_mouth:
Eating Popcorn :wink:
28, taken, Owns a Starbucks
27, taken, Vet Tech
36, taken, Motorcycle Mechanic
Do you eat a lot of spinach?
Signs?? What signs? LOL! And Absolutely right back atcha!!
Hmmm... Maybe
I agree ^^^^ :) :p :)
Is there room in there for me?
Discuss which came first... the chicken or the egg
LOL!!! :wink:
Okay... back to the problem at hand.... We are locked in a room, What would happen? Well.... I would probably be trying to pick the lock with the heal of my stiletto Louis Vuitton shoes and driving you crazy because I am so freaked out. You would probably be checking for an attic door in the closet or trying to dig your…
:) ABSOLUTELY! Black leather with the red bottoms of course!!!
Talk about where to get the best deal on Louis Vuitton Pumps :D
The quirky leading roll who's best friend is in love with her, but she has no idea.
The physic that helps police solve crimes.
The guy that partys hard and gets lost in the woods (comedy relief)
Go on a Shopping Spree!
Why is everybody running? LOL!
Where are you running to or from?? :smile:
I'd say Dance. I'll bet that bootie an move!!!
Maybe. Might be a little young for me.
You obviously love children... which is a BIG plus!!
Too Young?? LOL! But Thank You! :wink:
Too Female (but very pretty)
Soulful Eyes