jagator1977 Member


  • Yeah, I've got a fairly high pain tolerance, but I literally couldn't go any longer. Looks like I'm just going to have try it again on level 1. I'll get where I want to be at some point....baby steps! I think trying to go too hard too quickly is why I got the stress fractures from running in the first place.
  • Well, it was certainly a humbling experience getting on the arc trainer about 10 minutes after other people and then have to stop and watch them go on for another half hour.
  • Thanks for the info. I set it on level 2 for the fat burning program. I guess I'll try level 1 next time and start from there. It definitely uses alot different muscles than running does so I will just have to build those up. For now people will be happy I'm off the machine in 5 minutes so they can use it! Thanks again!