musicchick02 Member


  • Wow this is a lot of info! I am definitely going to look in to all of it! I am a bit of a researcher, so now I have starting points. And to answer 2 questions: 1. I never logged exercise or ate any calories back from exercise. Why? I always thought 'why would I want to eat back what I just worked off?' 2. Yes, I lost 20lbs…
  • Ditching the Dr. Pepper will be super tough, but I also want to save my pearly whites! :) This will be a challenge...but I'm up for it! I eat gluten free due to an allergy. I guess I should have been clear. Sorry about that! I looked at a few TDEE calculators and they are saying. 2700-3000 calories! Woah! Anyone have a…
  • -29 yrs old -5'9" - I've been doing CrossFit for a little of a month. Before that I ran 5 days a week and worked out at the gym 2-3 days a week. -Don't have/use a heart rate monitor. Should I? -I log all of the food that I eat but not the exercise. I know that losing weight isn't easy but dag gone! Im busting my butt! I'm…
  • I'm 5'9" and weigh 220. The Dr. Pepper is a can (150 calories). Thank you for the responses!