

  • I am the same height as you, have about 30lbs to lose, work full time and have a very demanding (but gorgeous!!) young family. By the time I have worked, played, cooked and kept on top of the house work I flop in to bed most days without even having looked in a mirror. It's not conducive to feeling good about yourself. For…
  • Thank you for posting. You look amazing. I am where you started and the same height. Everyday is a stuggle and sometimes feel overwhelmed at how far I have to go. Glad I logged on this morning and saw your transformation. It's 5.30am where I am....trainers are on....going to do 30ds right now!! Thanks for inspiring:)
  • I started 3DS on the 2nd too. I have 4 weeks exactly until I need to wear a swimming costume on the beach. i have great intentions then fall off the wagon-I am emotionally exhausted by ending the day with a list of promises I have broken to myself. I am in need of motivation and support. Lets do this!!
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