

  • Me too. I have lost 14 lbs...but I injured my ankle and it has taken a toll on me. I stopped exercising for three we were on Spring Break, so I gave myself a license to eat whatever I wanted. I am back on program today! I need to do this again until I lose more! I planned on 50 this year! My 50th is in June…
  • Fantastic! I too stopped drinking full blown Cokes in January. I think it has helped toward my weight loss. I was drinking one or two diet drinks a day, but I am trying to taper off of those too. Good job! Keep up the great work!
  • I hear ya and I sympathize with you. Do something Twister or do a conga line. I know it is difficult whenyou are snowed in. Looks like you like to dance from your photo. Put some disco on and dance the snow away!
  • Yes, that is me too. But most often, I am getting more protein and sugars and less calories. I start with a slim fast some days and quickly eat more than my sugar with just an apple or some other fruit. What should I do? :ohwell: