

  • I like Myogenix After Shock Critical Mass. And you use the potein shake after a workout to feed your muscles and help them recover.
  • E-Commerce 1. How often do you purchase products or services over the internet? d. Several times a month 2. If “never”, why? 3. Name two or three companies from whom you purchase products online? I pay for my kids school lunches online at Plus i have have a Zune account and MOG account 4. What steps do…
  • I really like the option of using the droid app or the pc app, which ever i'm closest to at the time i need to log something. Good Luck to you 3 and hope it works out well for you.
  • If your trying to loose weight, don't eat them, if you want to maintain your weight then do eat them. :)
  • Hi Sarah, You will want to remember to do some sort of resistance exercises on top of the cardio. You want to build and tighten the muscles up. I do cardio everyday, but rotate my muscle workouts through out the week. I agree with Sarahs440, you need to start out slow on the cardio and add more time every week. Cardio is…
  • Bump just moves it to the top of the list, since it has been responed to most resent.