

  • love this that is exactly what my bff and her daddy would say lol......thank u for helping me psych myself out for my afternoon walk in 8 degree hills walking a small puppy.....and not wet!!!!!!:laugh:
  • well sweety unfortunately i dont go to the gym but i do walk...and this darn weather is not very supportive.....what i do is i check daily forcast and find the warmest part of the day for ex. today from 3 -5 its gnna b 7-8 degrees......i have a little over four hours to psych myself out for this walk......its not easy but…
  • thank you for all the amazing responds im gnna go for it!!!!! i wake up at 6 A.M. to get my hunnee up and out the door for work instead of vegging and drinking coffee and watching my shows first im gnna just driink a big glas of water and rite away do my yoga first....this is my weekly goal starting tomorrow morning as…