tiffiany24 Member


  • It seems like it's down allll the time lately. I pay for the Premium membership so extremely frustrating.
  • I stopped tracking when I started Paleo. I am eating more calories and fat than ever before. The carbs and sugar levels are down much lower and the weight is falling off of me. No need to track when you are eating clean, whole foods!
  • Whole 30 is just a bit more restrictive version of the Paleo diet. It excludes all grains, legumes, sugar of any kind (even the natural stuff) and dairy.
  • I am on day 24 of my second Whole 30 Challenge. It's amazing and life changing! Good luck ladies!
  • I am on day 24 of my second Whole 30 Challenge and let me tell you...it is life changing! Congrats on giving it a go! I took the challenge to help me over come my addiction to all things sweet. Chocolate has always been my best friend and worst enemy. The challenge has completing changed my cravings and tastes. I feel…