

  • This sounds yummy!!! I'm going to try it.
  • I started zumba in Feb, and now I have shin spints. I went online and did some research for the best shoes for Zumba and the Nike Musique 6 kept coming up. It's a dance shoe and has some arch support and the bottom does'nt have treads so it does'nt snag or grip the floor. I have worn them once so far, my feet felt a little…
  • Love it with Laughing Cow cheese, 1 wedge is 35 calories. They have a lot of different flavors!!!!!!! Hummus it good to
  • I just started the fitness pal, but I have been doing Zumba for 2 months and love it!!!! I go twice a week Mondays and Thursdays. Looking to add a 3rd day