siobhanenator Member


  • I just tried the Vega Protein, and I like it better than the Raw Protein by Garden of Life. You're right spintronicus, it's very gritty! I've started making a smoothie in the morning that seems to be working well to boost my protein now. I use vanilla protein powder, organic soy milk, and a few chunks of frozen fruit…
  • I may have just caught my mistake, I hadn't selected Katch from the menu on the Scooby site. Did that, and it matched with the BMR I got on another site. Recalculated out, looks like I should be more at 2010 now instead of 2156. Still about twice as much as I've been eating, but so far it's felt really great!
  • I'm thinking college is what initially threw me out of whack, and the dieting ever since has kept me there. I have a withings body fat scale, I'm at about 30% body fat these days. Just calculated the Katch BMR, it's at 1295.87? Not sure what that really means in terms of calculating the rest. I used the Scooby calculator…
  • I just started my metabolism restart and as a dairy free vegetarian I'm having trouble getting the right ratios too! Even when I eat nearly all protein meals, the amounts of carbs and fats naturally in these proteins seems to keep me right around 20%, and I'm aiming for 30%! I got some Raw Meal protein powder, and I still…