pastorcaz Member


  • Surely we are all on here because we have weight difficulties of some kind? It's more like cyber bullying at times which makes you want yo rush for the comfort food. People need to grow up and encourage others, if not why bother being on here.
  • This may be useful to some Eating healthy snacks can help you reach your nutrition and weight goals. Learn 4 common snacking mistakes you may be making and healthy snack ideas to eat instead. I am a bona fide snack lover. I always have snacks in my desk drawer at work, a piece of fruit in my purse and a bag of almonds in…
  • I'm glad you can afford to have delivered organic food. Not everyone can
  • I think you will find food is now acknowledged as an addiction. Watch the news this morning, plus it's not just sugar, it's far more than that
  • As a fitness instructor for extend uk. I would recommend getting an exercise resistant band; not expensive on internet, they come in different colours representing different strengths, yellow is low and recommended for the more frail, but I chose red as it's an in between strength. Put it under your foot and raise you knee…
  • I have a small container with a divider and weigh out a few dried prunes, mixed fruit, various seeds and usually 4 chunks of dark chocolate. I keep it on me then throughout the day and I dip in and out. When people at church are having biscuits and cake with their coffee, I go for the snack container. It always intrigues…