btoblake Member


  • I've been working on how to snack within a 1200 calorie diet. Kashi bars are an easy backup plan, most are under 150 calories, the flavors vary, and I can keep a box by the door and at work. A cup of bone broth and a miso soup packet = 60 calories in a nice warm mug A well made bone broth has a startling dose of protein,…
  • Here's the big question: Are you able to change to other eating habits for a weekend? (Do you feel nervous or very uncomfortable if you do?) Other thoughts that can help you keep space between yourself and disorders: Are you being kind to yourself? Do you tell yourself things you wouldn't say to a friend, or call yourself…
  • Go for it. Required skills: Instincts about people. Ability to be rude. Willingness to leave if you feel uncomfortable, even if it's embarrassing or silly. Note - If you or your friends describe you as a victim, please skip the solo exercise. Go check out Brazilian Jujitsu. It's a ton of fun. Props - Take a sturdy, sizable…
  • Unfortunately, the image link doesn't seem to be working, but mothers do tend to have this problem. So, here's the three most common problems and solutions I know of: Try tensing up your ab muscles, and feeling them. Sometimes, in pregnancy, the abs separate in the middle, leaving the center of your belly droopy. I've seen…
  • It's usually called Greek yogurt. It's pretty trendy in NY, people are eating it for breakfast or lunch and snacks. I really liked chobani and missed it when I went dairy free. ( I went back through your food diary, and I think I figured out why people are worried about your sugars and sodium seeming high,…
  • Have you tried strained yogurt? It has a lot more protein, and less of the sweet whey, so it's really filling. Don't forget, if you're carrying a kiddo around and exercising a lot, you may have more muscle than before. It weighs more than fat, but looks good on you. I'd switch from measuring pounds to the actual measuring…
  • I have to fight pretty hard to have good skin, this routine is the result of a lot of trial and error. The important parts are mostly what I learned to keep away from my skin whenever possible (dirty hands, dirty towels, perfumes, dyes) and being willing to adjust to skin's need. During the winter, my mix is more towards…
  • Wow. This is awesome. I always thought of the crockpot as the safe zone, where it was really hard to screw up. One of my friends started smiling in anticipation of his wife's meals (after at least a decade of marriage) when she discovered the crockpot. You just throw the food in, you can't burn it... I forget how many…