

  • Well, as Barney Fife says "you've gotta nip that in the bud". I added up our eating out from last year--mind you it's just the kids and I getting this and that but it was over $1500. I know my husbands was triple. Eating out is great because you don't have to clean up. BUT you need to curtail it. It can be a special treat…
  • Oh you sound like me. So many things derail me. One day at a time.
  • Hello--my daughter and I set our pages up yesterday. I'm still tweaking mine. My goal this week is to get through the weekend. It's a tough time. The urge to eat out usually comes on strong then. I'm glad I read your post. My goal is 70#s (and for my generation # stands for pounds) and I've found it so long term and hard…