i'm going to be totally cliche`- CHOCOLATE!!!
It differs with me. Some days i like to go it alone, others i need a friend to motivate me along. If you want a workout partner but none of your close friends are motivated like you, talk to some people in your gym (if you belong to one) and see if you can find someone serious like you to workout with, if they don't mind.…
seems like fun :) Weekly Goal: 3,500 Mon: 536 (running) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)…
well timing ur weight training could be a bit..unorthodox lol how about you try 3sets of 15reps. sets meaning you use that same machine 3 whole times.
if you lay your workout clothes out and just everything you need thats like have the battle lol and once your dressed why waste that effort by not going to the gym :)
yeah, i think getting it done first is going to be the key here lol thank you :)
i like structure too! lol im just afriad i'll get lazy with the planning, but i'll give it a shot! yes, i am a bored eater for sure :p
that sounds good, i am a morining workout-er lol
maybe switch up your cardio routine, or switch up everything, but def try different cardio workouts :)