

  • I have an addiction to crunchy salty snacks too, I have replaced chips with sunflower seeds, there are a variety of different flavors and the work it takes to open the shell has to burn a calorie or two. I have found that this satisfies my craving and when I get bored of one flavor, I get a different one. Good luck!!
  • When looking at eggs or any foods for that matter, you should consider the nutrient density . Egg yolks are packed with nutrients and as long as you aren't frying them in tons of oil they are very good for you. Consider investigating range free eggs which are even more nutrient dense than caged chickens eggs are. When I…
  • I was 305 in Feb of 2010, I am down 70 lbs and working my butt off. I haven't been dieting or exercising for the last 2 years because of the demands of nursing school, but I am back in full swing and down 27 lbs in the last three months. You can do it!! Take it one day at a time and celebrate the little things, I was so…
  • I'm down 27 lbs and still wearing the same jeans, although I can see the weight loss it can be frustrating. Don't give up!
  • What other people think of you is none of your business, you do you and let them do them. In the end, your happiness is what really matters and you are the one that has to live with your decisions, not the rest of the world. I am in the gym everyday I am 43 and weigh over 200, but I'm there for me and my kids and I act…