

  • I suffer from runners knee and yes some exercise's do hurt a lot like bending of the knee i asked my doctor about this and he suggested doing exercise's that will build muscle around the area with out useing my body weight such as using ankle weights with leg exercise's that dont invole standing to help build muscle with…
  • ive had thesame issuse it dose something to your metabolic rate people whom are prone to carry more weight tend to do so whileon contraseptives were as people whom have a hard time keeping it on will llose more i whent on camprese lo its a three onthcycle and this is no longer the issuse
  • i do go though this on a daily basis and the worst part is its my 125 pound brother the other men at work say its just cuz he has nothing better to do with his time than make others feel less of them selfs so i say screw them dont let them think in any way it bothers you or it will never stop i know its been many years of…
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