kristamcclugage Member


  • I run with a knife attached to my jeans and keys in my pocket for a weapon in case I need. I also run on the main road with lots of traffic and if I see someone (cuz I usually run at night) then I try to be on the opposite side or avoid them at all costs. If I have to pass by them then I make sure my knife is in my hand.
  • Hi all, feel free to add me.. I am a beginner runner as in barely starting as of last week. I have been walking a lot to start my weight loss but now I can walk quite well and am having trouble running.. The struggles I have are with my knees (because of running on pavement) and getting my breathing right. I want to get to…
  • For me I always thought it was genetic. Yes some things are genetic that affects weight loss but the main reason I thought this was the amount of people in my family that were always overweight. After talking to many people from overweight to thin, I've come to realize that it is poor information, routine and dedication.…
  • All the replies have really given me more inspiration. After reading I know there are some things I do now just because of my weight and I'm looking forward to not having to do it. Especially airplane seats. That was really embarrassing having my thighs touch the people next to me.