I definitely know I was in starvation mode because I logged all of my calories from when I had my eating disorder. Most websites say that at my height and weight (of the time), I should have been consuming anywhere from 1500-1900 calories. On some days, I was lucky if I could eat 500 -- and starvation mode is eating less…
While it's not out of the question, I've never liked the taste of fish. I thought I was allergic to that, too, because when I was younger and ate it, it made me throw up. As we found out when I was eleven (a little ways before I went vegetarian), it turns out I just didn't like the taste. :) I've been gluten free since…
To those of you who say that gluten free, vegetarian friendly is hard... Also factor in the fact that I'm a type one diabetic. Even harder!
I'm sorry that this is the best I can come up with... Surprise!
Well, my first thought was 'simple girl, complex mind'. Seeing everyone else's responses, changing my answer and going with: Intelligent Caring Honest Dreamer
If you weren't seven years my senior, quite possibly. ;) As for you, bd0027 -- only if you swing that way, lol!
Chipotle burrito bowls. And their chips. Oh God, their chips. I would eat those every single day if I could.
The only time I was ever in starvation mode was when I had an eating disorder -- what was it, five years ago? Six? Something like that. It took two years to recover and it sucked. I didn't lose any weight at first, but I think I ultimately lost about ten pounds, give or take (considering how I lost it, though, was a little…
Now THAT'S an interesting one! :) My full first name is Madison, and the name that I go by is Maddie.
I don't know why, but I'm going with Paul. (Even if somebody tries to cheat by looking at my profile, my full first name isn't there ;) lol)
Why, thank you. :) I pretty much have to stick with the diet, unfortunately -- no cheating, because not only will I feel bad about it in my head, but also everywhere else. Apparently, I've actually had celiac symptoms for two years now (started showing up about two weeks after the last time I had my blood drawn), but they…
They could be like me and don't know how to get it there, lol. I only found out about twenty minutes ago...
I am a vegetarian and considered obese (though not all of it is fat; I also have a bit of muscle in my arms and legs from swimming). Cutting out meat doesn't mean that you will lose weight.
Fat shaming is what caused my struggle with bulimia in the eighth grade. It won't solve anything. People need an incentive to lose weight. For me, it's this boy I've been eyeing, ;) AND fitting into a size four. NOT being told that I'm fat and should do something about it.
I was diagnosed with type one diabetes and so I only drink diet soda, seeing as on my own I cannot process sugar, and have a lower BMI than my family and friends that drink regular. I would say that they're a lot healthier than a regular one in any case: 0 calories, 0 carbs, 0 sugars, plus lower sodium.
WOW -- would have never pegged it at only 40 pounds. You look so thin and good! Very inspirational as well. Keep up the good work!!
These actually have, from experience, not only more calories than juice, but also carbs -- which is what diabetics have to keep track of to make sure that they take adequate insulin. I only need about 20 or so carbs to bring my sugar up, and the juice I drink has 23, which brings me up and keeps me there. A bagel has about…
Unfortunately, my body is a little bit...odd, I suppose. Juice is the only thing that gets my blood sugar up (to a normal level) and keeps it up. I would love to switch to something with a little less calories and is something probably healthier, but I really feel like I have to watch my diabetes first and then my figure…
I'm on a pump, so I don't use Lantus, just Apidra. I was supposed to go to my doc about a week ago, but my appointment had to be moved and now I don't know when I'll be going again. Here's hoping my sugars go up, though, so I can exercise earn back some calories for dinner.
My older sister got me some for Christmas. I was torn between love and hatred at that moment.
Fortunately my type one diabetes makes it easier to resist. Most people worry about calories (and since I'm trying to lose weight, I probably should, too) but my big worry as a diabetic is carbs. Don't even want to think about the carbs in s'mores.
Oh, my virgin eyes! ;p
That just reminded me that there is stuff to make s'mores in the kitchen. Trying so hard to resist the temptation right now... :p
The class is first thing in the morning, so I always start by eating breakfast. Maybe I can give myself a free carb with breakfast then. Thanks for the advice, by the way.
Most of the time that I work out it is from an aerobics class, so I have lots of people around me. I do use a pump but have not quite the hang of temp basals yet; I either back off too much or not enough.