

  • I so UNDERSTAND that!!! I want to fit back into my size 4's but honestly I got more male attention in my size 7-8's, currently I'm in 9-10 and looking to fit back into my size 4's because thats what I like, men seem to prefer the more robust shapely size 8ish! Ironic huh! Life is good! :blushing:
  • Lol! I smiled when I read your post! After 7 years my sweetheart & I find that together compared to MOST couples we are pretty damned AWESOME!!! We would NEVER treat (allow) anyone especially each other to speak like that to us and then have the balls to call it love.... lol I gave my man a extra hug tonight & told him he…
  • HHHhhhMMMMmmm..... For some reason I am NOT imagining him to be some sexy super stud when naked, or clothed for that matter.... Life is to short for EITHER of you to feel as if you're settling for less than you WANT. Let him know NOT to be a penny looking for a dime! I'm certain with his disgusting inner ugliness he is NOT…
  • Hi! I am also new to fitness pal. I am 5'4" and weigh 148 pounds at 41 years old, I am use to weighing in around 125 pounds but my honey began traveling more & more often (via his employment) and I found me eating out more & more with my 13 year old son & sitting more & more watching TV missing him... Suddenly about 3…