

  • Hi there, i'm from Australia but i find that fruit is extremly filling and healthy (grapes and watermelon) make some smoothies and add some spinach and banana and whatever else you like and have it for breakfast, really filling and you may not be that hungry for a few hours after ALSO porridge/oatmeal is cheap and…
  • Ok, I admit it, I had a binge. Date of binge : Today, the 1st of June Time of binge : Not sure exactly, it started at about lunch time and carried on throughout the day. Location of binge : My house, home alone. Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : sitting, bad posture Company kept (alone,…
  • I do that all the time (about every two days or so) It's a horrible feeling and it really sucks. How do you get through it?
  • I scored 35... Does anyone have some advise on how to fix this FOR GOOD!? I eat really healthy and eat normal portion sizes (do not over or under eat) for about 2 days but then on the 3rd day if the slightest things go wrong (for example, can't go to the toilet properly or don't exercise in the morning) then i will just…
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