

  • Ho-ly COW but you all look incredible! Some of these have left me gobsmacked. Amazing job people! Special nod of the head to Miss_dannii - daaaamn woman, that is some seriously impressive change. Fantastic.
  • Something I've found really helps me is to plan my meals in advance. I went about this by keeping a food diary for a week without planning anything - just logging what I happened to eat, every morsel of it. After this, I sat down to review what I'd eaten and to be honest, sitting down to really think about what you're…
  • Mostly I watch my sugars and proteins. I make sure I don't get too much of the former (don't want an insulin spike) and make sure I get enough of the latter to help build muscle mass. I also keep a lazy eye on my sodium intake and only add salt to things I feel "need" it, flavour-wise. Aside from that, I don't watch much…
  • Herro! Pop goes my message board cherry. Today I had: - 30 g organic rye porridge - small handful of pine nuts - smoothie (1 medium banana, 1 kiwi, 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice and ½ cup water) Weighs in at a nice 409 calories :3