

  • Count me in! Since I hit the gym to day I will count it as day 1 too. will take my measurements when I get home. :happy:
  • It is a matter of taste for me. I rather egg whites. I don't like artifical food in general. I've learned recently that if there are names in the ingrediants that are chemically named then it isn't something you should eat.
  • make a food journal. seeing what you eat on paper will help. this Food tab is great too.
  • So it's been a few months since I asked this question. I tried some of your suggestions. I find working out in the morning is better in that I feel more energized and relieved it is over. However, by 8pm I am tired and ready for bed not to mention I get the munchies. what's up with that. On days I worked out in pm hours I…
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