

  • Wow I didn't realize I'd get this many kind and wonderful relplies but I can tell keeping up with this website and my food progress is going to help with so many that want to help others. I want to reply to all but opening sending and closing then reopening the message is a pain lol so I''m going to do the twitter thing…
  • Thank you :) I realized that just finally admitting is is the hardest part. I think I'm just ready to do this. For years I didn't like smoking but I wasn't ready to quit, when I was ready it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I will def look that book up Thanks, Larry
  • I was thinking that last night, looking at what we ate and looking at info at things we ate in the past and just though "omg" thats a lot of calories. Yes it does scare you to think a bag of potato chips is 2000 calories and that's not through the whole day. I'll def add you and thank you :) Larry ps how do I open up my…
  • Hi there, thank you for the kink words and support. I know its going to be tough, but in my mind not impossible. I've already conquered the worlds worst habit. I quit smoking 5 months ago which at first was difficult but as the time goes on it gets easier and easier to leave that in the past. The most difficult thing I see…